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Discover my not so interesting life

I'll be honest with you I'm just going to post stuff like teen problems or just stuff and you guys can just comment whatever and who knows I might just Give you advice can't promise it would be good though.

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Stay happy

Never let yourself be sad and always stay happy!!!

we live in a world where there's no such thing as perfect but people still thrive to achieve it.For instance some teens are self conscious or feel lonely or sad sometimes and some others are really happy and think their life is perfect but there is always going to be that one time where someone feels like their world isn't perfect.I will admit I don't feel perfect sometimes in fact I'm quite self conscious and insecure but that doesn't stop me from being happy and joyful.If you ever feel any of those things just think about the good things.I mean at least were not living during world war 1 or 2 and at least most of us have the opportunities to achieve our biggest dreams.I just started a new school and a lot of people don't talk to me I have a few friends but I still don't like being ignored, if this ever happens never be upset just stay strong and keep your head held high because if they don't want to talk to you then it is there loss because I'm sure all of you are amazing.

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